Conservation Tips for herbs

Cider & Orchard Léo Boutin Forums Recipes & comments Conservation Tips for herbs


This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Cidrerie Boutin 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1527

    Cidrerie Boutin

    Finesherbesvariées_3661XThis is the time to keep the herbs in the freezer or dry.

    Some will plant them, others prefer to buy them but you will always have a unique flavor in all your dishes.
    Frozen: Wash the herbs, dry them, put them in a plastic storage bag and freeze. When you serve, cut them without thawed finely enough to enjoy your meal.


    Dried: Heat the oven at the most basic temperature until they are dry. Crush with your fingers and put it in a small plastic container sealed in the cabinet. Will keep all year. If you have a gas stove, put fresh herbs in aluminum dish and send in the oven overnight without heat it and the next day they will be dry.


    Savory: Use in salads, vegetables, beans, lentils, oil, stews and sauces.

    Sage: use in pork, terrines, veal, pork.

    Thyme: used in red meat, poultry and vegetables

    Oregano: highlights perfectly the Italian and tomatoes are among the happiest.

    For more information or any inquiries, write to the Chief Denise.

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