Chicken breast Mont Saint-Grégoire

Cider & Orchard Léo Boutin Forums Recipes & comments Chicken breast Mont Saint-Grégoire

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Cidrerie Boutin 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1538

    Cidrerie Boutin


    4 chicken breasts
    1 pinch of salt and pepper
    1 pinch dried oregano
    1 tablespoons sunflower oil
    100 ml cider Leo Boutin
    100 ml of 15% cream country
    1 teaspoon butter
    3 mushrooms
    1/2 apple cut into julienne strips
    1 chopped shallot French
    50 ml veal stock
    Salt and pepper to taste


    Mix 4 breasts with next 4 ingredients: pinch of salt and pepper, pinch of oregano, sunflower oil and cider. Marinate 1 hour in the cold.

    Roast chicken breasts in a teaspoon butter . Add shallot, sliced mushrooms and marinade. Reduce to syrup over medium heat.

    Add the veal broth, cream and finish cooking about 5 minutes. Check the salt and pepper and serve with apple julienne on chicken breasts and drizzle with the sauce.

    Have a good meal!

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